Even More Odd Shots.

The way invertebrates utilise camouflage for safety reasons never fails to impress. Tamopsis spiders are masters of the art, this recently moulted individual is blending in with the bark of the Angophora costata on which it is domiciled.

This small moth is also a master of the art.

Two beetles photographed at night while mothing, first, a darkling beetle.

And a leaf beetle, Paropsisterna intacta.

Two lacewings in to the moth light, Stenosmylus stenopterus

And Stenolysmus extraneus.

Also at the moth light, a native millipede, family Paradoxosomatidae. These have a pair of legs on each side of the body segments and are interesting to watch walking.

The millipede will enlarge.

A Long Lunch.

A noon check of the Omeo Gum and its Autumn Gum Moth larvae, came up with a surprise. On one of the daytime shelters, a predatory shield bug had captured a larva and was beginning to feed. The first image clearly shows the piercing stylets, these suck up the bodily juices of its prey. This bug has been identified on iNaturalist as Oechalia schellenbergii, a hatching of which occurred in this tree in early March.
Click images to enlarge.

More photographs were taken at intervals during the day showing the process.

By 8 PM it had moved to the head end for dessert.

Next day the bug was still there, it had apparently sucked its first prey dry and had selected a new victim when the larvae emerged at night to feed. What an appetite!