First, a few insects frequenting agapanthus clumps, always productive places to check.
A Stiletto Fly, family Therevidae, genus Ectinorhynchus.
A Hairy Flower Wasp, family Scoliidae.
An Assassin Bug, subfamily Harpactorinae.
A Lycid Beetle, Family Lycidae, genus Porrostoma.
On the forest floor, a very small plant hopper, identity unknown.
An early Yellow-banded Dart, Ocybadistes walkeri.
And on tree trunks, a Velvet Ant, family Mutillidae.
A scale eating Ladybird larva, Cryptolaemus species.
And as yet unidentified, possibly a Flat-headed Leafhopper nymph, subfamily Ledrinae.
A Holoplatys jumping spider was found on a towel on the clothes hoist, it was carefully relocated to a fence post with numerous cracks. Some days later movement was seen on the post, and on closer inspection it was found that it was the same spider with prey, close to the crack which is now its home.
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