Another Lot.

The bleak weather and Covid isolation have instrumental in confining all recent posts to garden observations, but that is not a bad thing, it just goes to show what you can find in a garden if you look carefully enough.
With that said here are the latest observations. As noted in the Field Guide to Australian Spiders, spiders in the family Trochanteriidae are difficult to identify. They mostly live in crevices, behind bark flakes or under rocks, so are not often seen. This nice specimen was under loose bark on a Yellow Gum, and it will have to remain anonymous for now.

Yes, another Tamopsis, showing how well it has blended in with its surroundings.

And here is an egg sac.

This Isopedella pessleri was hiding behind loose bark.

The Snowy River Wattle, Acacia boormanii is in full flower and attracting a range of insects including flies from the Lauxaniidae, and shield or stink bugs like this mating pair.

Entomophthora is a fungal genus parasitic on flies, and has been found in the garden for the first time, with many dead flies still clinging to the tree trunks.

Most images will enlarge.

More from the garden.

Two new records from the latest wanders around the gardens. The first was a very small fly spotted on a fence and photographed in case it might be interesting, and it certainly was when viewed on the monitor. It is a signal fly in the genus Rivellia.

Number two with its eight legs was found under a loose flake of bark on an Angophora costata. It is a mite from the family Erythraeidae, genus Rainbowia, named after the arachnologist William Rainbow.

And, despite the very cool weather as winter hangs on, this Opisthoncus species of jumping spider was out and about, albeit close to its retreat of two agapanthus leaves silked together. As mentioned before, these plants in a neighbour’s garden have proved to be popular habitat for several species of jumper. Although a little unsure of the looming camera which caused it to move inside its home, this individual soon gained confidence and re-emerged to pose, untroubled by the photography.

Horizontal shots will enlarge.