In the foothills to the north, Goodenia ovata is a light shrub that commonly grows along bush tracks where it gets extra moisture from rainfall run off. Under these conditions it can become quite luxuriant, and when flowering supports a diverse range of insect life as detailed in this post from three years ago, along this track.

Two outings to see how the Goodenia is coping with the dry were undertaken recently, the results of the first were as expected and will be detailed later. The second, along the same track as the photo above was a huge disappointment as can be seen from the following photo, everything has been bulldozed for kilometres, an ecosystem obliterated.

As already mentioned the results of the first outing were as expected with the bush showing the effects of the long dry spell. Flowering plants were scarce, Acacia mearnsii, Acacia falciformis and Cassinia aculeata being the most noticeable along the track sides.
Acacia falciformis.

Pomaderris species and Zieria smithii were flowering although dry and shrivelled, but happily on the south side of the ridge by the creek some Prostanthera lasianthos and Goodenia ovata were in flower. In contrast to the above linked post insect life was sparse, a few native bees and hoverflies, a beefly, but no butterflies or other species. Whether that situation is just due to the poor conditions, or a symptom of a greater problem is unknown at this time.

Click to enlarge.