More Allsorts.

An invert outing into the box/ironbark bush was disappointing, Taxeotis and Dichromodes moths were on the wing, but the camera returned home with just one image, a Gumleaf Grasshopper.

Never mind, the garden continues to be a happy hunting ground as these images of native bees illustrate. The white Callistemon citrinus is in flower and providing hard won nectar and pollen for Lasioglossum lanarium bees.

The white Digger’s Speedwell has been attracting this Resin Bee, family Megachilidae.

Wasps in the family Gasteruptiidae parasitise solitary bees like the above, this is a male seeking nectar.

And wasps themselves are parasitised by their kind, for example this tiny colourful Cuckoo Wasp.

The next three images are, if the id is correct, scarab flies, family Pyrgotidae. The third, a female with ovipositor was attracted to the moth light, apparently normal behaviour. The larvae of scarab flies are parasites of scarab beetles.

And to conclude, a most unusual record for the native garden, a Jacky Dragon. When disturbed it took off at high speed to the the verandah and looked eager to go inside! Photographed in the bush on occasion, this was the biggest encountered so far, being nigh on twenty seven centimetres long.

Click Jacky to enlarge.



Garden Allsorts.

Starting with two more shots of Stiletto Flies, one on the Gold Dust Wattle, one on the wall.

Out to the garden trees now, with a tiny 10 mm case-moth larva.

Tachinid flies are very numerous and easy to photograph.

This small Green Long-legged Fly came into the moth light.

This Rove Beetle, family Staphylinidae, is a gravid female looking for a safe place to lay her eggs.

Some images can be clicked to enlarge.