An Urban Wetland #2

One of the more unusual bird species to visit Lake Guyatt was a small number of Wandering Whistling-Duck that turned up in 2002. Unfortunately no photos in those days before a suitable digital camera, but Magpie Geese have also visited occasionally,

and this pair was snapped nearby on Flooding Creek on an old post and rail fence dating back to the early days of settlement.

Also in the creek beside the lake, a White-faced Heron hunting in luxuriant Water Ribbon vegetation.

The Australian White Ibis can at times be less than respectable when encountered at landfill sites or picnic spots for example, however this photo in a natural environment presents a different picture.

As the water level fluctuates, different species take advantage of the food that has become available. Lower levels concentrate fish for the pelicans, and waders like spoonbills work the shallows. Dry mud-banks are popular resting and preening locations.

Australian Pelicans with Royal and Yellow Spoonbills.

Royal Spoonbills in repose.

Royal Spoonbill with breeding plumes in the fertile water of Flooding Creek..

A Pacific Black Duck posing nicely.

If conditions are to their liking, Latham’s Snipe can take up residence in surprising numbers. This emphasizes the value of this small wetland in providing habitat for a species under great pressure.

Click to enlarge.

To be continued.

An Urban Wetland.

Lake Guyatt in Sale is a man made lake completed in 1994, and is named in honour of Herb Guyatt who was a champion of the local wetlands. Originally a swampy area, it was a development project of Sale Central Rotary Club, and since completion has become a valuable component of the wetland system,  popular with large numbers of Freckled Duck  that take up residence from time to time. The lake and adjacent Flooding Creek have been a rich source of bird photographs over the years, and it seems like a good idea at this quiet time to give some of those images another airing. Included are common species as well as some of the more unusual visitors to the area. Early images were taken with a Panasonic FZ30, later ones with a Nikon D90.

Chestnut Teal on Flooding Creek beside Lake Guyatt.

Freckled Ducks.

Great Egret in graceful flight.

Cape Barren Geese during one of several visits to the lake.

One of the more unusual sightings, a lone Black-tailed Native Hen, taken at a distance as it moved off. Normally found north of the divide and to the west, they are a casual visitor to the east of the state. Subsequently another record was made in the Heart Morass.

Dusky Moorhen in an elegant pose.

And to conclude this post, a Silver Gull giving the camera a beak full.

Click to enlarge.

To be continued.